Friends arent people who r always nice to u.Friends are people who are always with u no matter what.Friends are the one you can cry on,laugh to and be mad with.
Friends make the bad times good ~ and the good times unforgettable ..
your smile made my week, your laugh made my month, your sweetness made my year, but your friendship made my life. =)
Best friends aren't about how much time you spend with each other, it is about how when you get together and you catch each other up on everything you missed .
best friends don't tell you what you want to hear, they tell you what you need to hear... 
Friendship isn't about how long you've known someone, its about who came into your life and never left your side:) 
Best friends are best friends not for how long they have known each other for but the memories they have shared togeather and will always remember the other by. 
Amazing what one simple statement can change forever. How a person you never knew can become a friend and a person you thought you knew can become a stranger 
Friends are the easiest thing to find, but a best friend is as precious as a DIAMOND, rare and shining ..


    September 2012

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